We're living during challenging and unprecedented times. Since the start of 2020, there have been catastrophic events happening all over the world. There are always scary and negative events occurring everywhere, but this year has been one of the craziest years, if not the craziest.
What do you do when you feel lost? Where do you turn when you're unsure of what to do next? How do you create peace among chaos?
I've learned that when I need a positive shift in mindset, I have to begin by looking within. Our internal worlds make up our external worlds. If I create a higher vibration of love for myself, I spread that love to others. It comes back to how I want to view the world and how I want to feel.
Once you're aware of the emotions that you want to experience, you can work toward cultivating that feeling tone throughout your thoughts, words and actions - creating the world that you want to live in.
How do you get there?
For me, I begin most days with ten to twenty minutes of meditation and journaling. I use Insight Timer for free guided meditations and then jot down any thoughts or feelings after the meditaton is over. I also use my journal to map out my day and life. I create positive affirmations about myself and my dreams. I write about my dreams as if they already happened. I use the time in the morning before work to dream and create intentions for how I want to live.
For example, I'll write:
I am a clear channel of love and light. I am well guided both day and night.
I am a NYT Bestselling author.
My book is published and out into the world.
I am happy, peaceful, confident, and creative.
All is well in my world.
Your list of affirmations would obviously be different than mine, but writing your desires as if they already exist is a really powerful tool to start your day with. If you can make this a habit every single day, you'll continuously be bringing yourself into a space of love and peace. This will then become your natural way of being and living.
When you can live in this way, life doesn't seem as hard or troublesome, because you are the creator of your world. You are the one who's in control of how you perceive life and how you respond to it.
For this week's Weekly Awareness, can you begin each day with at least five to ten minutes of meditation? Can you journal for another five to ten minutes about anything that arose from your practice? Can you write down your goals, desires and dreams as if they already happened? Can you genuinely feel excited about your life?
Let me know how this challenge is going for you. Is it hard at first to close your eyes, become silent and still? What comes up for you during this space? Are you able to create the type of day you want to experience? What are you learning from this? Please share anything that you're experiencing with this week's new challenge! I love to hear from you!